Prof. Shujen Chen's notes:
1.  In the new Keil uVision 5.29 the Stellaris ICDI Debugger is no longer a part of the IDE.
2.  You need to install the MDK_Stellaris_ICDI_AddOn.exe to gain access to Tiva LaunchPad debugger.




 For Tiva & MSP432

With Tiva Launchpad


With MSP432 Launchpad



EduBase-V2 for Tiva & MSP432 Launchpad Features
The EduBase board can be shared by many ARM modules for multiple EE/ECE courses.
It reduces the cost per course

Tiva Launchpad Features:.

  • High Performance TM4C123GH6PM MCU:
    • 80MHz 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4-based microcontrollers CPU
    • 256KB Flash, 32KB SRAM, 2KB EEPROM
    • Two Controller Area Network (CAN) modules
    • Dual 12-bit 2MSPS ADCs, motion control PWMs
    • 8 UART, 6 I2C, 4 SPI
  • On-board In-Circuit Debug Interface (ICDI)

MSP432 Launchpad Features:

  • Low-power, high performance MSP432P401R MCU
    • 48MHz 32-bit ARM Cortex M4F with Floating Point Unit and DSP acceleration
    • Power consumption: 80uA/MHz active and 660nA RTC standby operation
    • Memory: 256KB Flash, 64KB RAM
    • Timers: 4 x16-bit, and 2 x 32-bit
    • Communication: Up to 4 I2C, 8 SPI, 4 UART
  • 40 pin BoosterPack Connector, and support for 20 pin BoosterPacks
  • Onboard XDS-110ET emulator featuring EnergyTrace+ Technology
  • 2 buttons and 2 LEDs for User Interaction
  • Back-channel UART via USB to PC

MSRP:  $168,  Educational price:  $148

The Tiva/MSP432 Launchpad is not included in the price.


Textbooks for Launchpads:

With low cost, high quality textbooks and many fully debugged sample programs available on Professor Mazidi's web site, teaching an ARM course can never be any easier.


Textbook for Tiva
written by Prof. Mazidi and Prof. Chen


Textbook for MSP432
written by Prof. Mazidi and Prof. Chen





For an EE / ECE course, the Keil IDE and debugger is a very popular choice in universities.  Professor Mazidi and Professor Chen have chosen the Keil IDE and wrote above textbooks. Professor Mazidi is a highly regarded author of many textbooks for embedded systems, and Professor Chen is an ARM controller software expert who wrote and tested all sample programs for the EduBase-V2.  We are very grateful to their help.

To know how to create a C project in Keil and download sample programs for the EduBase-V2, please visit Professor Mazidi’s web site:
